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We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers for you. If you still have questions email

Pistol Bullets

What does Friendlily mean? It's a typo right?

Friendlily (adverd) - In a friendly manner; like a friend; warmly; kindly. In a friendly manner. 

The name we wanted was already taken by another company, we wanted a company that was open to everyone and we ended up with Friendlily. If you are stuck trying to say it, it's friend-lily.

Do I need any experience or equipment first?

We ask that everyone brings their own eye protection and ear protection, but if you are new to shooting and don't own a firearm we can loan you one of ours for a small fee, or you can rent one at the gun ranges we use. If you are bringing your own firearm please make sure you bring at least 50 rounds of ammunition with you.

Can you help me choose the right handgun?

Absolutely, firearms are like cars, the one that suits you best will depend on your lifestyle, requirements and budget. Our advice is to book a session with us at a gun range, the range will usually charge a flat fee of around $10 to try out a few guns. We can talk about your firearms needs and then find something that matches your requirements. We don't sell firearms, but we will give you the best information possible to help you decide what firearm is right for you. 

Do you sell firearms, firearms parts or ammunition?

No, we are a training company only. We might look at opening a physical gun store in the future but our focus at the moment is firearms education and training. We DO NOT sell firearms, firearms parts or ammunition online or in-person. 

Are you a Federal Firearms Licensee? 

No, we do not sell , manufacture, deal in or transfer firearms.

Are you a legitimate company? How can I check?

We are registered with the Secretary of State for Colorado, we are listed here

Are you qualified instructors? How can I check?

Each of our instructors will list their experience and qualifications on their profile. If you want to verify one our our instructors credentials, the details of how to do this will be available at the bottom of each team member page. Our team member pages are here


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